All Projects

RISING Festival Melbourne, 2024

The RISING Program Quiz.


The Brief
Creating an online form that curates the RISING 2024 Program for an individual audience, based on a series of questions.

Instagram Story containing an image of a hand on a mouse, with a link to the quiz and call to action: answer three easy questions. There is an image of a crowd with an opaque electric blue screen overlaid.

The Insight
Selecting identifiers to connect an audience with three festival works, with the opportunity to purchase tickets.

Instagram Story containing an image of a hand on a mouse, with a link to the quiz and call to action: answer three easy questions. There is a blue branded border with a circular window.

For RISING Meta and Social channels, as well as website distribution.

Internship Position
RISING Melbourne Brand and Content

Digital Developer and Copywriting.

The landing page of the RISING 2024 quiz, an electric blue background with cream text that reads "first things first, what's your name?' with an entry box below.

Created with RISING Festival Melbourne.

Free Period x Libra

Communications campaign case study video.


The Brief
Create an entry for the New York Festivals Advertising Awards, in the student category - “Positive World Change.” Any brand and issue connection can be used.

Target Audience
Australian High School Students with a Period, aged 12-16 years.

The Insight
1 in 3 Australian Teen Girls avoid sport whilst menstruating, consequentially developing negative associations with healthy exercise in the future.

The Idea
To petition Australian State Governments for a Free Period Pass, to be used once a term when the flow becomes too much and enact real change that supports women.

RMIT University x New York Festivals Advertising Awards

Selected Brand
Libra Australia

Digital Developer and Copywriting.

Baxter Kay, Maggie Gilby, Sally Feferkranz

Melanoma Patients Australia

Advertising communications campaign.

The Brief
Raise awareness for melanoma risk for recent immigrants and encourage the uptake of preventative behaviour through an integrative campaign.

Single-minded Proposition
Melanoma is dangerous but preventable – start reducing your risk right now.

The Insight
Studies have shown that individuals perceive the risk of sun damage more acutely when it comes to others. They may downplay or rationalise the risks to themselves, but when it comes to their loved ones the potential consequences seem more serious.

The Idea
Block the rays, protect these days. A protective layer of sunscreen means you’re protecting beautiful moments and memories with your loved ones.

RMIT University

Client Focus
Melanoma Patients Australia

Copywriting, Art Direction, Project Timeline.

Baxter Kay, Maggie Gilby

Queue x Meta

Advertising communications campaign.

The Brief
Queue is a new streaming service, powered by Meta, that hopes to compete with the likes of HBO, Netflix, and Hulu. Queue needs to draw new subscribers in with bold, cutting-edge content, like awAike.

Target Audience
Our target audience is aged 16 – 35 years old, of all genders. This audience will be in late high school, university, or recent graduates/young adults in the early stages of adulthood and career-building.

The Insight
Throughout history, humanity has always strived to obtain perfection, sometimes sacrificing individuality in the process.

The Idea
Reimagining Russian Constructivist and Italian Futurism art movements to realise a dystopic society where man and machine are completely intertwined by the introduction of ‘software updates,’ but for a human.

RMIT University x Meta

Client Focus
Queue, Meta’s new streaming service

Copywriting, insight research.

Baxter Kay, Louisa Reinke, James Campbell

Runner-up campaign selected by Meta representative.